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Mon 10:00AM – 7:00PM
Tues 10:00AM – 9:00PM
Wed 9:30AM – 6:00PM
Thurs 9:30AM – 7:00PM
Fri 9:30AM – 4:00PM
Sat – Closed
Sun 9:30AM – 5:00PM

Tips to Avoid Tooth Decay and Cavities

Did you know that tooth decay is the second most common disease after the common cold and that over 50% of teenagers in the US have had cavities? Here are some tips to avoid tooth decay and cavities so you don’t become one of these statistics.

Tip #1: Brush You’re Teeth Regularly

This is obviously a given, but necessary that we include because the way you brush your teeth, the toothbrush you use, and the tooth paste that you use can greatly impact your oral health and affect your chances of tooth decay.

Brushing regularly helps to cut down on bacteria that causes bad breath, and gets rid of plaque that will eventually cause tooth decay.

Tip #2: FLOSS!

Flossing is one of the most overlooked elements of dental hygiene, but is integral in preventing tooth decay and unwanted cavities. Brushing does not reach all the sides of the teeth, there are some spots that only flossing can reach, like in between very close teeth. Ideally, we recommend flossing after every meal but if you can fit flossing into your schedule at east once a day, you will greatly decrease your chances of getting a cavity.

Tip #3: Cut Down on Acidic and Sugary Drinks

Drinks like soda, coffee, and tea can really take a toll on your teeth after some time. The acidity in soda, plus the sugar is terrible for your teeth because it wears down on the enamel over time. Daily coffee is also discouraged if you want to avoid tooth decay and discoloration. However, if you are going to have some of these drinks, limit your drinking time to 20 minutes, or use a straw to limit exposure to your teeth. We also recommend rinsing with water after any sugary drink to reduce your chances of tooth decay.

Tip #4: Visit Your Dentist Twice a Year for a Professional Cleaning

The best way to ensure that you’re brushing correctly and taking good care of your teeth is by visiting your dentist twice a year for an exam and cleaning. For people who don’t have dental insurance, this could be expensive, but for with our affordable in-house dental plans 2 leanings a year are included along with so much more.

To set up your appointment give us a call at (844) 979-EASY (3279). We have offices in Forest Hills, Queens, Little Caribbean, Brooklyn and Garden City, Long Island. Walk-ins welcomed, we take emergencies and we are open on late nights to accommodate patients with a busy schedule. We hope to see you soon!

Picture of <span>Dr. Rafael Boruchov, DDS</span><div>
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Dr. Rafael Boruchov (Dr. Roman) grew up in Brooklyn, New York. He earned a Master’s degree in Biochemistry from Hunter College before attending the University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine, where he received his Doctorate of Dental Surgery. To gain more hands-on experience, he completed a general dentistry residency at Woodhull Medical Center, working directly with patients in a clinical setting.
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