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Mon 10:00AM – 7:00PM
Tues 10:00AM – 9:00PM
Wed 9:30AM – 6:00PM
Thurs 9:30AM – 7:00PM
Fri 9:30AM – 4:00PM
Sat – Closed
Sun 9:30AM – 5:00PM

Dentures vs. Implants: What’s Best For You?

Dentures vs. Implants: What's Best For You?

If you are missing any of your teeth, there are multiple options for you to choose from to replace them. Two popular choices are dentures and dental implants. Depending on your specific situation, one may be more suitable for you. There are various factors that have to be considered when deciding between the two like the condition of your surrounding teeth, preference, and cost. Both have its advantages and drawbacks making it important to discuss all alternatives with your Dental Made Easy dentist before determining which is best. 

Some of the similarities between implants and dentures are:

  • Enhance your smile and self confidence 
  • Help improve your speech
  • Support facial structure
  • Allows for comfort when chewing foods that may be difficult to eat

Even though these two are alike in some ways, there are differences between the two solutions. 


Dentures are prosthetic teeth with a natural appearance that can be removed. These teeth can be fitted to the mouth regardless of how much bone you may have. They typically are complete sets that cover the entire jaw (upper and/or lower). Dentures also could be made to just cover a few missing teeth. Those are called partial dentures. 

Depending on where the dentures are going to be placed, the dentist will take an impression of that area. The dentist will also check the alignment of your jaws and bite to ensure that they will fit well. A set of temporary dentures are made to wear until the final set is made in a lab. To adhere the dentures to the gums, a special bonding agent is used.


Dental implants, on the other hand, are placed using a completely different method. First, the dentist checks that a certain amount of bone is present to support the implant. Once confirmed that enough bone is there, an extraction may need to be done to remove a weak, damaged tooth root. If necessary, a hole is then drilled into the space where the implant is going to be placed. A post is inserted far down into the bone to have a crown placed on top once the bone heals around it. These implants can last for many years. 

Dentures and implants equally are two great solutions to replacing any missing teeth. Before making any decisions as to which you prefer, it is vital to get the opinion of your Dental Made Easy dental professional. If you are interested in a free dental consultation, book an appointment with us today!

Your Dental Health

When it comes to your health, trust in the dentists at Dental Made Easy. Dental Made Easy has the best dental practices in New York City and we are open on Sundays as well as late evenings. All of our dental offices are open and accepting new patients at this time. We are rated among the top dental practices in New York, NY with numerous 5-star reviews on Google, Yelp, and Facebook. For a teeth cleaning or exam, we recommend calling or booking an appointment online with one of our talented dental professionals. All new patients may also take advantage of our $149 Cleaning Special that includes an exam and x-rays of our Free Dental Implant Consultation Special.

To set up your appointment give us a call at (844) 979-EASY (3279). We have offices in Forest Hills, Queens, Little Caribbean, Brooklyn and Garden City, Long Island. Walk-ins welcomed, we take emergencies and we are open on late nights to accommodate patients with a busy schedule. We hope to see you soon!

Picture of <span>Dr. Rafael Boruchov, DDS</span><div>
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Dr. Rafael Boruchov (Dr. Roman) grew up in Brooklyn, New York. He earned a Master’s degree in Biochemistry from Hunter College before attending the University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine, where he received his Doctorate of Dental Surgery. To gain more hands-on experience, he completed a general dentistry residency at Woodhull Medical Center, working directly with patients in a clinical setting.
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