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Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are a simple solution if you want to improve your smile. They are like thin coverings placed over the visible part of your teeth. You can achieve a more classically shape of teeth with dental veneers if you have misshaped teeth or gaps between teeth.

You have a variety of options in dental veneers to choose from. Your doctor will suggest which ones are the best for your teeth. Ask your dentist to help you choose the right material of veneer for you, as they are made from composite resin material and porcelain each has its pros.

It is a possible solution to give a natural look to your teeth when you are facing dental issues like:

  • Worn teeth
  • Stained teeth that cannot be whitened via bleaching
  • Misshapen or crooked teeth
  • Teeth with a large in-between gap or uneven space
What is a Porcelain Veneer?

Porcelain veneer is a custom-made thin shell that fits on your tooth. It is a natural-looking, strong, and long-lasting veneer. The benefit of using porcelain veneers is that your dentist needs to remove less tooth enamel to place it than you will need if you have a cap or crown placed. If a ceramic veneer is placed in your tooth it won’t be easily stained.

How are Porcelain Veneers Placed on Teeth?

Your dentist will remove enamel from the sides of your teeth to prepare it for the veneers. It gives a natural look to your veneers making room for it.

An impression of the prepared teeth is made to be sent to the dental lab and prepare custom-made porcelain veneers that fit your teeth. The process might take days so you can wear the temporary veneers in the meantime. Your dentist also helps you in choosing the best shade of veneer for your teeth to look more natural.

In the next appointment, your dentist will check if the veneers fit well onto your teeth and place your veneers after cleaning your teeth and making any adjustments. Now, your custom-made veneers are bonded to your teeth. So further adjustments can be made in the later appointment.

What are Composite Resin Veneers?

This type of veneer is a tooth-colored filling material made to bond with your tooth. The foremost benefit of composite resin veneers is that there is a need to remove less amount of enamel than porcelain veneers or crowns. It is more cost-effective than porcelain veneers. You might need just a visit or two to the dentist for the composite resin veneers. If damaged it is easy to fix composite resin veneers, although they are not stronger than porcelain veneers.

How are Composite Resin Veneers Placed on Teeth?

After removing a small amount of enamel from your tooth, the teeth are reshaped and prepared. Dentists use composite material color that matches your teeth. Then the material is carefully bonded and sculpts on your teeth. To bond the composite to your teeth your dentist will use a special light and harden the material. Your dentist will give a natural look to your veneers by smoothing and polishing them. Before you get veneers it is better to have your teeth checked for any decay or disease.

Am I a Good Candidate for Dental Veneers?

To have placed veneers you must have healthy teeth and gums because they might break or chip. Your dentist can treat any disease or decay before placing the veneers on your teeth. Veneers might not be a good option if you have a habit of grinding or clenching your teeth. You may need to wear a dental night guard made of plastic while sleeping.

What do I Need to Know Before Getting Veneers?

Your dentist removes the enamel on your teeth as minimal as possible to place your veneers on the teeth to look natural. But, it cannot be undone so you should make the decision of having placed veneers knowing that they might come loose over time. So, you will need new ones after some time. To keep your teeth and gums healthy it is essential to visit your dentist regularly and discuss all dental problems, treatments, and expectations with them.

You need to avoid putting pressure on your veneers as they would break or chip. You should avoid biting nails or any hard objects (for instance: ice, nutshell, or pencil). After a few days of getting your veneers placed, you might feel different but you will get used to it over time. You should keep your teeth and gums clean to avoid getting cavities under your veneers.

How much do Teeth Veneers Cost?

Most insurance doesn’t cover veneers as it is a cosmetic procedure. Generally, the cost of veneers ranges between $925 and $2,500 per tooth. Composite veneers are cheaper than porcelain veneers and last 5 to 7 years. The cost of veneers may vary with the type of veneers, dentist’s expertise, veneers’ brand, etc.

Picture of <span>Dr. Rafael Boruchov, DDS</span><div>
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Dr. Rafael Boruchov (Dr. Roman) grew up in Brooklyn, New York. He earned a Master’s degree in Biochemistry from Hunter College before attending the University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine, where he received his Doctorate of Dental Surgery. To gain more hands-on experience, he completed a general dentistry residency at Woodhull Medical Center, working directly with patients in a clinical setting.
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