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Mon 10:00AM – 7:00PM
Tues 10:00AM – 9:00PM
Wed 9:30AM – 6:00PM
Thurs 9:30AM – 7:00PM
Fri 9:30AM – 4:00PM
Sat – Closed
Sun 9:30AM – 5:00PM

7 Vitamins and Minerals for Healthy Teeth

We all know that Calcium is necessary for healthy bones and teeth, its even listed below! However, there are many more vitamins and minerals needed to strengthen tooth enamel. It can also protect your teeth against foods and drinks that cause acid erosion. Below are 7 vitamins and minerals that support strong enamel for healthy teeth. To make it easy for you we’ve also included the foods that you can eat that contain these vitamins.


Calcium is one of the most important minerals for healthy teeth because it strengthens your enamel.  Throughout the body, the mineral helps build bones and provide structural support. In your mouth, calcium helps harden your enamel and strengthen your jawbone. Sure, you may know that dairy products are a great source of calcium, but so are brown rice, oranges, cabbage, beans, broccoli, salmon, peas.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is doubly important because not only does it boost mineral density, it also helps absorb, carry, and deposit calcium in the bones that support your teeth. Regulates the body’s balance of calcium and phosphorus and can promote absorption. Vitamin D can also help to decrease inflammation of gums which is associated with periodontal (gum) disease*. Some dairy products, eggs, some cereals, oily fish (tuna, sardines etc) and cereal are fortified with vitamin D, but you can also get it naturally from the sun.


Phosphorus plays a critical role in dental health because it naturally protects and rebuilds tooth enamel. Phosphorus works hand in hand with Calcium to support bone growth and tooth enamel. The best sources of phosphorus can be found in protein-rich foods like meat, poultry, fish, eggs,grapes, citrus fruit, cucumbers, tomatoes.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a key nutrient in keeping your gums healthy as well as building tooth enamel. Most foods with vitamin A are orange—making it easy to remember that sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, and carrots are all vitamin A powerhouses.

Vitamin K

Think of this vitamin as a shield – it helps block substances that break down bone. It also helps your body produce osteocalcin, a protein that supports bone strength. A vitamin K deficiency can slow down your body’s healing process and make you more likely to bleed. leafy greens, such as kale, collards and spinach, can help you increase your vitamin K quota. Other great sources include parsley, broccoli and Brussels sprouts.


Like vitamin D, potassium improves bone mineral density. It also works with magnesium to prevent blood from becoming too acidic, which can leach calcium from your bones and teeth. Potassium isn’t necessarily known for aiding bone health: it’s a mineral that helps nerves and muscles communicate and also helps cells remove waste. But it turns out potassium may neutralize acids that remove calcium from the body. Load up on potassium by eating foods like sweet potatoes, white potatoes (with the skin on), yogurt and bananas.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C strengthen your gums and the soft tissue in your mouth. It can protect against gingivitis, the early stage of gum disease, and can prevent your teeth from loosening. You probably already know that citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, but you can also find it in potatoes and leafy greens.

Your Dental Health

When it comes to your health, trust in the dentists at Dental Made Easy. Dental Made Easy has the best dental practices in New York City and we are open on Sundays as well as late evenings. All of our dental offices are opened and accepting new patients at this time.  We are rated among the top dental practices in New York, NY with numerous 5 star reviews on Google, Yelp and Facebook. For a teeth cleaning or exam, we recommend calling or  booking an appointment online with one of our talented dental professionals. All new patients may also take advantage of our $149 Cleaning Special that includes an exam and x-rays or our Free Dental Implant Consultation Special.

To set up your appointment give us a call at (844) 979-EASY (3279). We have offices in Forest Hills, Queens, Little Caribbean, Brooklyn and Garden City, Long Island. Walk-ins welcomed, we take emergencies and we are open on late nights to accommodate patients with a busy schedule. We hope to see you soon!

Picture of <span>Dr. Rafael Boruchov, DDS</span><div>
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Dr. Rafael Boruchov (Dr. Roman) grew up in Brooklyn, New York. He earned a Master’s degree in Biochemistry from Hunter College before attending the University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine, where he received his Doctorate of Dental Surgery. To gain more hands-on experience, he completed a general dentistry residency at Woodhull Medical Center, working directly with patients in a clinical setting.
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