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Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Several problems are associated with incorrect growth of wisdom teeth. Wisdom tooth extraction is used to remove your wisdom tooth when it is growing in the wrong direction and causing unbearable pain. You can consider this procedure after discussing the risks and benefits with your dentist.

If your dentist thinks wisdom teeth removal is the solution to your problem, you don’t need to be anxious but ask anything you need to know about the procedure. Your dentist will give you a detailed treatment plan before the procedure begins.

Don’t worry! It is a common procedure and you can recover from it without complications. Most people don’t experience pain or other issues after the surgery, but you need to contact your dentist if you do.

What are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are four adult teeth residing in the top and bottom of your mouth at the rear. Usually, wisdom teeth erupt at the age between 17 and 25. The dentists recommend wisdom tooth extraction if your wisdom tooth is causing damage to other teeth, infection, and pain. Many people don’t experience any problems when their wisdom teeth emerge through the gums.

Do I Need to Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

The age for wisdom tooth eruption is generally from 17 to 25, so you should be proactive and get your teeth examined by the dentist. Your dentist uses X-rays to determine if there will be any problem with your wisdom tooth or not. If there is a likelihood of wisdom teeth damaging other teeth or causing other issues in the future, your dentist will have your wisdom tooth removed even before the problem arises.

For most people, a wisdom tooth erupts without any issue, but you need to get it removed if you experience the following signs:

  • Gums swelling
  • Severe pain in gums
  • Other teeth are damaging
  • Infection in the gums surrounding the wisdom tooth
  • You should see your dentist right away if you are experiencing these problems
How does Wisdom Tooth Extraction Surgery Take Place?

Are you horrified because of the wisdom tooth extraction surgery? You don’t need to fear anything as it is a common dental outpatient procedure. You don’t need to stay overnight in the hospital after surgery. The following steps will be performed during the surgery:

  • Your dentist will use local anesthesia to numb the areas surrounding your wisdom tooth. Sedation is used to protect you from pain
  • Once you are numbed and relaxed your oral surgeon will start the surgery by making a gum incision that exposes your tooth.
  • If there is a bone preventing the way to the roots of your tooth’s dentist will take it out.
  • Now the dentist removes your wisdom tooth completely; in pieces or as a whole. If there is a need to divide the tooth to ease the process he may divide it into pieces.
  • To prevent infections in the future, dentists will clean and wipe out the area of extraction.
  • Finally, gum incisions are stitched and closed to help you heal from the surgery.
  • To stop bleeding your dentist will put gauze in the area of tooth extraction and aid the formation of blood clots.
  • It takes an hour to complete the entire wisdom tooth extraction procedure. For your speedy recovery, an oral surgeon may use L-PRF platelet therapy.
How Long Does it Take to Recover from Wisdom Tooth Removal?

Normally, you may experience pain and swelling in your mouth after the wisdom teeth extraction, so you can use counter-medications recommended by your dentist. It takes only a few days to recover from wisdom teeth removal for most people. But, you need to follow the instructions of your dentist precisely for speedy healing:

  • Brush your teeth gently using a toothbrush with soft-bristles
  • Eat only soft foods for a few days
  • Avoid smoking
  • Avoid alcohol
  • It is better to rest and avoid vigorous activities
Are There Any Risks Associated with Removing Wisdom Tooth?

Like any surgical procedure, wisdom tooth extraction is associated with risks. For instance; infection, allergic reaction to anesthesia, dry socket, and nerve damage. Some risks are associated with the use of supplements or medications in use; therefore, your dentist must know about them before starting the procedure.

How much does it Cost to Get a Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Usually, the cost for wisdom teeth extraction may vary between $1,000 and $3,000. It depends on the complexity of your tooth and several other factors such as; your insurance, location, the number of teeth to be removed, and whether the surgery is performed by an oral surgeon or dentist.

What are Some Complications in a Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Your wisdom tooth removal is an outpatient surgery and takes place in a dental clinic. However, if you are suffering from an oral disease or at a higher risk of infections, your dentist might refer you to the hospital. You need to wait until healed from the infection and disease before performing the surgery.

Your dentist will assess the risks and use any one of the three anesthesia options:

Local anesthesia is applied close to the tooth that needs to be extracted. To numb your gums your dentist will use a jelly-like substance. So, you will be awake and feel some movement while extraction takes place.

If your dentist uses sedation anesthesia it weakens your consciousness, so you won’t feel pain during the surgery. Although local anesthesia will do fine in most cases dentists might use sedition in a few cases. Only in rare cases, your dentist will use General Anesthesia.

Picture of <span>Dr. Rafael Boruchov, DDS</span><div>
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Dr. Rafael Boruchov (Dr. Roman) grew up in Brooklyn, New York. He earned a Master’s degree in Biochemistry from Hunter College before attending the University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine, where he received his Doctorate of Dental Surgery. To gain more hands-on experience, he completed a general dentistry residency at Woodhull Medical Center, working directly with patients in a clinical setting.
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