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Mon 10:00AM – 7:00PM
Tues 10:00AM – 9:00PM
Wed 9:30AM – 6:00PM
Thurs 9:30AM – 7:00PM
Fri 9:30AM – 4:00PM
Sat – Closed
Sun 9:30AM – 5:00PM

Flossing 101

Flossing 101

Flossing is an essential step in your dental routine. Using floss helps in maintaining oral health in primarily two ways. Food that is stuck in between hard to reach areas is removed with flossing. Plaque is cleaned away with this as well. Most people brush only, not realizing that it does not clean the entire surface of the teeth. When brushing alone, these areas are missed and there could be unfavorable consequences if continued over time.  It is important to clean these areas to avoid cavities, gum disease, tartar, and other potential oral conditions. 

When flossing, it is necessary to use proper technique to thoroughly clear away any debris. It is also vital to floss well to prevent damaging your gums and teeth. 

How to Floss Correctly

  1. To begin, first break off about 18 inches of dental floss and wind the majority of the floss around both middle fingers.
  2. Next, hold the floss tightly with your index fingers and thumbs. Following this, position the floss in between two teeth.
  3. In a gentle gliding motion, rub it up and down against the sides of each tooth. Be careful to not rub against your gums as this can cause bruising and be painful.
  4. When the floss gets close to the gumline, curve the floss around the tooth at the base to form a C shape. Slide it in the space between the tooth and gum.
  5. Repeat this as many times as necessary as you go between each tooth using a new piece of floss.

Flossing Options

Once a piece of floss is used it is no longer effective. Its usefulness is lost and can leave behind the same bacteria that is supposed to be removed. There is no specific order as to whether you should brush your teeth or floss as long as you do both. Some different methods to flossing are using traditional dental floss, dental picks, an interdental brush (similar to a small toothbrush), and other flossing devices (like a Waterpik). All of these are safe alternatives to consider using when aiming to get the best clean for your teeth. As tempting as it may be, stay away from using anything like safety pins or utensils to floss. Not only can it be unsanitary, these objects can damage your teeth. 

In between your visits to Dental Made Easy, incorporating flossing with your oral care routine goes a long way. This can help in maintaining a great smile when done carefully and regularly. If you have any questions about flossing or anything else dental related, be sure to come and see us at Dental Made Easy!

Your Dental Health

When it comes to your health, trust in the dentists at Dental Made Easy. Dental Made Easy has the best dental practices in New York City and we are open on Sundays as well as late evenings. All of our dental offices are open and accepting new patients at this time. We are rated among the top dental practices in New York, NY with numerous 5-star reviews on Google, Yelp, and Facebook. For a teeth cleaning or exam, we recommend calling or booking an appointment online with one of our talented dental professionals. All new patients may also take advantage of our $149 Cleaning Special that includes an exam and x-rays of our Free Dental Implant Consultation Special.

To set up your appointment give us a call at (844) 979-EASY (3279). We have offices in Forest Hills, Queens, Little Caribbean, Brooklyn and Garden City, Long Island. Walk-ins welcomed, we take emergencies and we are open on late nights to accommodate patients with a busy schedule. We hope to see you soon!

Picture of <span>Dr. Rafael Boruchov, DDS</span><div>
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Dr. Rafael Boruchov (Dr. Roman) grew up in Brooklyn, New York. He earned a Master’s degree in Biochemistry from Hunter College before attending the University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine, where he received his Doctorate of Dental Surgery. To gain more hands-on experience, he completed a general dentistry residency at Woodhull Medical Center, working directly with patients in a clinical setting.
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