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Mon 10:00AM – 7:00PM
Tues 10:00AM – 9:00PM
Wed 9:30AM – 6:00PM
Thurs 9:30AM – 7:00PM
Fri 9:30AM – 4:00PM
Sat – Closed
Sun 9:30AM – 5:00PM

Deep Teeth Cleanings

What is a Deep Dental Cleaning?

A deep dental cleaning, sometimes referred to as gum therapy or periodontal scaling and root planning (SRP), is a treatment that cleans between the gums and teeth down to the roots. Like a regular cleaning, the hygienist or dentist will clean the tooth, gum line and sides of the teeth. However in a deep teeth cleaning, they continue to remove tartar buildup down below the gum line to the root of the tooth. This process can also be referred to as a “root planing and scaling” and may require several visits in order to complete the treatment. It is more extensive than a standard cleaning and is designed to treat gum disease and to stop it from becoming worse. Deep dental cleanings are usually reserved for those who haven’t gotten regular cleanings in a while and have an excess amount of plaque and tartar around the gum line. This is why its imperative to have regular cleanings every six months.

Deep dental cleanings will control the infection and promote healing. As you may know, preventing infection and inflammation anywhere in your body—including your gums—is important to heart health and may help you live longer.

Do I Need a Deep Cleaning?

The best way to find out if you are in need of a deep cleaning is to visit the dentist for an exam. The dentist can tell you quickly if you are in need of something more than a regular cleaning. If you have periodontitis you may also need a deep cleaning. Periodontitis is a chronic infection and disease. This happens when bacteria has collected in the pockets and spaces below the gum line, around calculus (plaque) that has built up, usually due to infrequent flossing and inadequate oral hygiene. The bacteria secretes acids that dissolve the bone tissue that connect your teeth and jawbone.

Left untreated, this chronic infection can and will progress. You will lose your teeth, and your jaw bone will continue to suffer bone loss that can’t be recovered or restored. We aren’t trying to scare you, we’re just stating the facts. Periodontitis is, quite literally, a symptom of your body destroying itself in a desperate attempt to fight off a chronic infection. This is not an upsell, this is a diagnosis and a sign of serious oral health issues in the near future.

Deep Teeth Cleaning vs Regular Teeth Cleaning

There are several differences between the two procedures and these procedures are not interchangeable.

  • A deep cleaning removes bacterial buildup from diseased gum tissue. A routine cleaning removes bacterial buildup from healthy gum tissue.
  • A deep cleaning usually involves two separate dental appointments and treats only one side of the mouth at a time. A routine cleaning takes only one visit.
  • A deep cleaning usually involves the use of local anesthetic to keep you comfortable while the dental hygienist or dentist cleans underneath the gums. Your mouth will be numb to prevent the process from causing you any pain.  A routine cleaning does not require any numbing.
  • A deep cleaning can involve the use of some additional materials or tools. The most common additions to a deep cleaning are 1) the implantation of a small antibiotic chip under the gums and 2) the use of a dental laser to sterilize the gums and promote healing.

Our Deep Dental Cleaning Deal

If you’ve been putting off getting a deep cleaning done now is the time! Our Garden City Park office is offering a deep cleaning special for $800. Our deep cleanings are usually $1200 so this is an amazing deal!

Your Dental Health

When it comes to your health, trust in the dentists at Dental Made Easy. Dental Made Easy has the best dental practices in New York City and we are open on Sundays as well as late evenings. All of our dental offices are opened and accepting new patients at this time.  We are rated among the top dental practices in New York, NY with numerous 5 star reviews on Google, Yelp and Facebook. For a teeth cleaning or exam, we recommend calling or  booking an appointment online with one of our talented dental professionals. All new patients may also take advantage of our $149 Cleaning Special that includes an exam and x-rays or our Free Dental Implant Consultation Special.

To set up your appointment give us a call at (844) 979-EASY (3279). We have offices in Forest Hills, Queens, Little Caribbean, Brooklyn and Garden City, Long Island. Walk-ins welcomed, we take emergencies and we are open on late nights to accommodate patients with a busy schedule. We hope to see you soon!

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